Antiaging arms, decollete, glutes

Injection body treatments and radiofrequencies act as collagen boosters: they stimulate the production of our own collagen and restore youthfulness, eliminating Wrinkles.

How many of us forget to apply sunscreen and moisturising cream on neck, decollete and arms?

These are sensitive areas prone to:

  • Wrinkles
  • Creases
  • Freckles
  • Sagging

and in need of special care.

First of all, because they give away our true age, and second because these areas are daily exposed to the sun and have small repair capacity.

This means that:

  • The neck
  • The decollete
  • The arms

are in need of special treatments: These are treatments that induce the body to produce its own collagen, which is why they are called collagen boosters.

Injection mesotherapy and skinbooster

The purpose of the mesotherapy is to give back to the skin what has been lost to the passing of time and oxidative stress, notably its shine and firmness.

Depending on age and the extent of the problem, we select the special cocktail to be injected in the skin using special injections administered almost painlessly.

The cocktail used in the mesotherapy may contain free-flowing hyaluronic acid similar to our own, for anti-aging and moisturization.

This is always combined with antioxidant and tightening vitamins.

For more acute problems, and to achieve fasterfacial firmness, we use skinboosters, notably enhanced mesotherapy with active substances.

These are based on hyaluronic acid and biomimetic peptides, notably amino acids mimicking the natural signals of our body for face restoration.

Impressive results are produced by the Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy using amino acids released after a special preparation and processing of a patient’s blood serum.

The dermatologist which treatment is more appropriate for you. All of the above treatments are effective and safe both in winter and summer and almost painless.


Injection mesotherapy with Sculptra

Sculptra (poly-L-lactic acid) is a type of injectable absorbable filler for skin restoration.

Polylactic acid is completely biocompatible, biodegradable and has been applied in medicine for more than 20 years, which makes it safe when in the right hands, and is even used:

  • in the belly area for thin wrinkles
  • for gluteal lifting

Scientists have long acknowledged its capacity to stimulate fibroblasts towards a natural and gradual production of collagen.

Moreover, polylactic acid is ideal for tough wrinkles on the decollete and arms.

For this method to be pain-free, anaesthetic cream is topically applied in advance and thorough massage is required at home for 5 days afterwards. Results are gradual and last up to 2 years.


Injection treatment with Radiesse

Radiesse (hydroxyapatite) is a safe injection treatment for immediate and lasting effect on wrinkles on the decollete and tops of the arms.

The active substance of this particular skin filler is hydroxyapatite, a natural substance found in bones and teeth.

Hydroxyapatite has been used in many reparative medicine applications and is biocompatible and gradually absorbable.

The injectable treatment with hydroxyapatite is almost painless as anaesthetic cream is used beforehand, and is effected using a special needle-free pen. After the process is complete, we gently massage the area for a few days.

Results may last up to 2 years, thanks to the mild production of collagen by the body.


Venus Viva fractional radio frequency treatment

Wrinkles and sagging appear on the neck too, while freckles are also visible on the decollete.

Fractional radiofrequencies offer a revolutionary treatment even in sensitive areas such as:

  • Neck
  • Decollete
  • Arms

Using nano fractional frequency technology, we erase freckles and wrinkles without causing the skin to peel off, which constitutes this method safe all year round. Moreover, by producing heat zones deep inside the dermis, we induce the production of collagen and bring firmness.

In only a few sessions, Venus Viva radio frequencies are a radical treatment to wrinkles and sagging.

Redness will remain for a few days after the session, along with a mildly burning sensation that will recede after the first few hours.

For faster results, this treatment can be combined with PRP/Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy on the same session.


Glute lifting

Injection treatments for firm and juicy glutes are effected with modern, approved materials that render surgery unnecessary.

Many of us would like to improve the appearance of our body non-surgically, in a more natural way and without a long recovery time. The new injection treatments make use of hyaluronic acid (HYAcorp) and polylactic acid (Sculptra), two substances which have proven effective on the face. When used in glutes, they offer better shape, lift and volume.


  1. Sculptra

The name of the injectable filler, Sculptra, originates from the Greek word sculpture. This is no coincidence, as Sculptra restores loss of volume and contour by inducing our body to produce its own natural collagen.

In particular, Sculptra is a type of absorbable filler in the form of a powder made of polylactic acid. As soon as injected with a micro-needle in specific points in the glutes, polylactic acid gradually degrades into C02 and water in a manner that is completely biocompatible and safe for the body. Sculptra became FDA approved more than 20 years ago and is now being used for repairing facial and decollete wrinkles. In the glutes, it offers gradual shape improvement and lift along with cellulite reduction. The effect lasts for close to 2 years. In the US, the treatment for glute lift with Sculptra is called Sculptra Butt Lift. The great advantage is that it avoids surgical operation and use of permanent implants which in certain cases can cause complications, intense oedema and involve a long recovery time.

Sculptra treatments are effected once per month, requiring an average of 3 visits. This method requires topical anaesthesia and does not involve almost any bruising and pain.

  1. HYAcorp

Glute lifting and augmentation is now a bloodless, non-surgical procedure thanks to hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally produced in our body. In particular, HYAcorp is the only injectable hyaluronic acid filler  specifically designed for glute augmentation, lift and treatment of the orange peel appearance, notably cellulite. It has been approved for indications such as restoring volume and contour (bloodless sculpting). The effects are immediate and long-lasting, up to 2 years.

HYAcorp glute augmentation and lifting with hyaluronic acid is effected with topical anaesthesia. Recovery time is short, but physical exercise, massage or exposure to high temperatures (e.g. sauna, sunbathing) should be avoided for a few days. After the treatment, the appearance of the glutes will gradually improve thanks to the hydrophilic components of the substance and the mild production of collagen. HYAcorp’s advantage is that it is a substance mimicking our own, offering natural results without surgical operation, implants and any significant discomfort.



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